Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fashion to Room: Sequined Stripes Doing Alright

 I'm so in love with this skirt; the colors, the fit, the glitz.  I just wish I had an extra $750 laying around for frivolous purchases like this one.

I may try to use it as inspiration for a room in our home though...like our tiled room on the back of the house.  I haven't decided what to call it; lounge room (shooting for this), fun room (too kiddish), Florida room (too dated), back room (too easy).

I just purchased two Christian Chaize prints similar to the one below that I'm ready to get framed and hung on the wall.  Pretty sure I could lay back with a drink in my hand and imagine I'm sunning on the southern coast of Portugal any day in my lounge room.

Lounge Room

Ceiling color is Pure Paris Green -- gotta love that name!


Natalie said...

Gorgeous room -- love that art!

Unknown said...

bonito blog!!


