Thursday, January 5, 2012

Glam Cam: Rooney Mara

Image via here

We watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo over the weekend and I found it suspenseful, intriguing, and, at times, disturbing.  I highly recommend it though.  I had just finished the book about four days prior so I knew what to expect during certain scenes when I would look over at the husb's face and see his eyes wide open and then he'd whisper, "Did this happen in the book??"

Rooney Mara's look has been so polished lately I want to see more and more.  She looks like an updated Audrey Hepburn with those blunt, short bangs.  They work lovely on her feminine face and especially well when she wears bright red lipstick.

At the Jimmy Fallon show.  Image

In Sweden at the movie premiere. Image

At the premier in New York. Image

She wears a lot of black, huh?  She must be going through "that" phase of feeling dark and reclusive.

This is how she looked before the Dragon Tattoo transformation...pretty major, don't ya think??  So sweet and angelic looking.


Carolina said...

you need to read the next two books!!! they're so gooood! also liked the movie and tried to warn my brother & sisinlaw that it was kind of intense. i thought it was really well made. and she's just so classy.

Jessica said...

I can't wait to see it! I just finished the book as well and am about 1/3 of the way through the second one. Nice post and I love the before pics.